Saturday, July 16, 2011

Single and Available

still single and available
dalam tak sedar dah setahun lebih.
and dalam tak sedar tahun ni pon dah half year flown away
tahun depan i'm gonna be 3series...
tension nya

getting older tapi unstable
nak cari kerja lain.

owh,,,start planning for next year and the next 3 years
lelaki...kalau ade jodoh kawin la...
taknak fikir,tapi sometimes rase lonely gak...

Sunday, July 3, 2011

move on

i try to move on..
try to be some new
try to accept a new love in life...

i doa and berharap perkenalan yang baru ni di berkati Allah
i just wish he's my destiny

But it's Allah secret... subhanallah...

but i still can't reveal who the person...
takot tak jadi nanti malu.... just harap semua org tolong doa kan moga kami jadi la ye...

( " , )

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Tiring season

Biasa la, takde onternet and takde mase nak update blog..
Tapi i'm trying the best utk commit dengan blog bile ade masa terluang...
dah bulan 6 dan.. half year dah 2011 go through.

life so far still manage utk stabilize... hahah
biasa la financial problem... :)

business still in progress..
tengah cari fund lagi, because i taknak buat loan..
tengah manage utk buat collection..

life macam tu la... cume fill up sikit sebab dah stay rumah sewa balik.
tapi still borig

ade someone in my life but i cant reveal yet sebab tak confirm lagi..
tak best sikit sebab kitorang susah nak jumpa... die sangat la workaholic...
he's working with TNB.. guy from south...
so far cuma my bestbuddy tau hal die...

and sekarang i tengah berubat for my asthma at alor setar..
so every 2 weeks i will go there... a bit tiring tapi kene usaha
i akan usaha sedaya upaya untuk baik kan lelah ni...
as least aku tak payah bergantung dengan ubat.

1st treatment is on my besday... a day after my besday...
so next week kene pergi lagi utk follow-up session

( " , )