On 31st march '10, aku 1 family when for umrah for 2weeks. Bese la big family wif a lil bajet we took pakej from Zahafiz Travel N Tour Agency. Total of us yg pegi is 12 org... Aku, adik2 - 3org, abah, auntie,her mom n step cs. Cik Lina, Hubby n 2 kids. The more the merrier,tapi pening g ak nk handle. Thanks God ade 2 kepale keluarge,so takde la heavy duties for abah. Kitorg take off around 3am -31st march.
Took about 3hours to reach Dhaka. We transit at Dhaka,Bangladesh for 15hours. And from that time aku dpt la tgk keadaan Dhaka which is ibunegara bangladesh tu... too pack and too chaos. Macam tgk dlm movie cite India. Tapi surprising me Bangladesh is negara Islam yg b4 diz aku ingt they juz like India. Becoz i heard 'azan' for Zohor. OMG terharu kejap.
*diz is Dhaka at 6.30am.

Then we took hour flight to Jeddah around 12am Dhaka time. Took 6-7hours. naik sengal lutut ni...lenguh x terkire,tp sebb ngantok aku x layan sgt la lenguh lutut 2... sampai Jeddah dlm kol 5am Jeddah time. Beza ngan time msia dlm 5jam. smpi je kt sane ngam2 waktu subuh. amik widi' kt toilet n grab shawl utk buat alas.kami take turn smbhyg kt depart hall while waiting for passport kene chop. looonnnngggggg Q. so sempat la sume jemaah solat.
After clearance n claim the luggage, kitorg kne tggu lagi kt depart hall for our bus to take us to medinah. we all do the visit 1st then umrah. lame gak la about 1 n 1/2 hour.

then bus pon smpi, kitorg pn bertolak la ke madinah which take 8hour. adoi lenguh lg lutut,tp ok la sbb bleh request to stop for toilet... tapi take a long hour sbb driver kitorg 2 exhausted. die tak tido lg sbb juz came back from medinah. which die xde sub-driver to help...so dr mengambil risiko, better kami biar die tido for a while for refreshing. then aku pn tertido gak dlm bus,tau2 dh smpi kt medinah. ntah bile bus tu gerak pon aku xtau..
this is their R&R - wif bukit batu n desert background

2 b cont' ....
Took about 3hours to reach Dhaka. We transit at Dhaka,Bangladesh for 15hours. And from that time aku dpt la tgk keadaan Dhaka which is ibunegara bangladesh tu... too pack and too chaos. Macam tgk dlm movie cite India. Tapi surprising me Bangladesh is negara Islam yg b4 diz aku ingt they juz like India. Becoz i heard 'azan' for Zohor. OMG terharu kejap.
*diz is Dhaka at 6.30am.

Then we took hour flight to Jeddah around 12am Dhaka time. Took 6-7hours. naik sengal lutut ni...lenguh x terkire,tp sebb ngantok aku x layan sgt la lenguh lutut 2... sampai Jeddah dlm kol 5am Jeddah time. Beza ngan time msia dlm 5jam. smpi je kt sane ngam2 waktu subuh. amik widi' kt toilet n grab shawl utk buat alas.kami take turn smbhyg kt depart hall while waiting for passport kene chop. looonnnngggggg Q. so sempat la sume jemaah solat.
After clearance n claim the luggage, kitorg kne tggu lagi kt depart hall for our bus to take us to medinah. we all do the visit 1st then umrah. lame gak la about 1 n 1/2 hour.
this is their R&R - wif bukit batu n desert background
2 b cont' ....
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