This year aku rase mcm holiday mood all year along.
end of march nak g umrah. then i'm plannin to spore on aug. october to penang and dec to langkawi...Best nye kalau dapat g sidney...
early diz year i went to spore.saje visit amna n my notty boy-andika.
tapi tu sume plannin je,insyallah ade rezeki dapat la g,tp yg dh confirm g umrah n spore.
actually nk beli camera DSLR Nikon. already ask fron my fren. rilly addict to DSLR cam.
spore murah yet to compare kat sini.

i wish i could go for holiday jauh.tapi bajet x mencukupi.takpe pelan2. at the moment g la holiday ngan fren n family,sebab xde yg berpunya lg. isk isk isk sedih =(
wish leh dapat tamat kn single status asap...boring single ni...xleh nk share ape2 ngan sesape..
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