Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Everything happen must for a reason : .

Everything happen must for a reason,,,
Just like wat happen to my previous relationship,even its bad but its turn me to a gud one... erm i guess so...
1st because he force me to wearing tudung,then Allah opened up my heart to learn more about Islam...Alhamdullillah I've found the right part. And sequel to the journey of my learning Abah has brought me to perform Umrah. Another gud reason after breaking up...i get back to my family that once upon a time i really wanted to left so bad..
Then its another reason i get close to Mr S. Sharing his experience performing Umrah n Hajj.
Yeah that's right 'Sharing is caring'...
But still Mr S is not the right person. i guess...
Times flew and still no feedback from him,so just let him fly away... :-)
I'm not finding a GREAT guy,it is good enough to have the FINE one..
I guess I'm too old to get fling... and i need a safeness in life n relationship.

What ever happen in life there's must be a reason..
Don't ever blame yourself or other to what ever happen...
All we need i redha....

A credit to my friend who sending me an sms...
"Seandainya Allah memakbulkan doa kita,maka Dia menyayangi kita,
Andainya Dia lambat makbulkan nya,maka Dia ingin menguji kita,
Seandainya Dia tidak memakbulkan doa kita, maka Dia merancang sesuatu yang lebih baik buat kita...
Oleh itu bersangka baiklah dalam apa jua keadaan kerana kasih sayang Allah s.w.t itu mendahului kemurkaanNya...

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Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Arini 1st day puase..
And today besday my andika demok n and my stingy cs memen...
2 both person yg very important in my life...
my cs function utk gaduh n my money lender.
and demok is buah ati yg sgt notty...

feel a bit different diz year nye puase..
biase nye amalan x la complete mane...tapi diz year nekad nak fulfill any amalan dalam bulan ramadhan ni... ye la nk menambah amalan.
bukan susah nak tambah pahala cume malas je,manusia biase.

i try my best to fulfill my wish list for this ramadhan.
xnk cakap la, takot dapat nak tunai kan...
but i'm trying the best of me...


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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Next Plan...

So far i do have a plan for this 2 months.
This 27th 0f Nuzul quran been replaced at 11th, which means 1st day puase.Jadi cuti. Tapi not sure la get the cuti or not..
Tau je la, shipment mane reti cuti.

What eva but thats not the main plan.
The climax is on 28th aug im goin to spore.
Been planned for and ages to buy DLSR camera.
This 1 guy at camerashop recommend me to buy Sony α330.Cost kat KL after nego RM1850.
Ingat nak survey market kat spore dulu..
Nak beli,tapi kene tgk budget cukup x..

Pastu 2nd plan,
1st day rase after g kubur arwah mak, i was thinking to balik tangkak straight away.
1st malas nak g kampung auntie,which tiap² tahun must pegi..
Boring i've made my mind. Just tak tau either adik² nak ikut x.
Then 2nd day raye maybe proceed to JB alone gak kot.
Tapi kene tgk budget gak ni...sebarang planning je.

What ever it is...
Tak sabar nak puase and raye...
And nak planning utk year 2011..
huh....already meh?
This time i'm gonna stick to the plan...and make the plan succeed!!
Is a must..

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