This 27th 0f Nuzul quran been replaced at 11th, which means 1st day puase.Jadi cuti. Tapi not sure la get the cuti or not..
Tau je la, shipment mane reti cuti.
What eva but thats not the main plan.
The climax is on 28th aug im goin to spore.
Been planned for and ages to buy DLSR camera.
This 1 guy at camerashop recommend me to buy Sony α330.

Ingat nak survey market kat spore dulu..
Nak beli,tapi kene tgk budget cukup x..
Pastu 2nd plan,
1st day rase after g kubur arwah mak, i was thinking to balik tangkak straight away.
1st malas nak g kampung auntie,which tiap² tahun must pegi..
Boring i've made my mind. Just tak tau either adik² nak ikut x.
Then 2nd day raye maybe proceed to JB alone gak kot.
Tapi kene tgk budget gak ni...sebarang planning je.
What ever it is...
Tak sabar nak puase and raye...
And nak planning utk year 2011..
huh....already meh?
This time i'm gonna stick to the plan...and make the plan succeed!!
Is a must..
( ", )
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