Last Sat..aku went out wif Harun g Sunway Piramid.
Aku pickup Harun kat IOI mall.
Then we proceed to Sunway.
Actually aku company Harun to some kind of talk about investment kat Sunway Hotel & Resort.
Hi-tea kat Sunway hotel.
I got for myself IRIS body & hand lotion & IRIS powder talcum... wangiiiiii
Aku letak kat opis senang skit ade wangi-wangian...
Tapi b4 tu aku n Harun jalan2 la kat Sunway tu.
Tapi nothing much can do sebab 2-2 tgh broke.
Pastu kami hanya mampu lepak kat mamak stall je...
Lame gak la jalan nye jalan tau2 dh malam...
Nasib la tgh AV (anti-visit) so skip solat xpe.
Pastu dlm kol 8pm kot aku kuar dr sunway n lepak somewhere kat area kedai tu.
Pastu tibe² pop-up dr our mind nk g Karaoke.
Huh ade la somewhere round there kedai karaoke 'kotak jamban'
Y i call it that way,sebab kecik mcm jamban dlm film P.Ramlee.
ok la rm10 for 12 songs.
melalak la smpi pengsan,pastu sambung lepak tau² dh kol 12.30am.
Aku pon anta Harun balik kt Puchong then aku straight blk.
Dah lame x have fun sampai lewat camni.
Next plan...Harun gonna take me to MTV World Stage diz 31st May.
( " , )
sapa harun??harun salim bachik kah?
ReplyDeleteHarun,tu gay terpilih... hahahah